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HP StorageWorks Ultrium 920 Tape Drive - Drivers and backup software

HP StorageWorks Ultrium 920 Tape Drive - Drivers and backup software

This document contains procedures for installing drivers and upgrading backup software common for both Ultrium 920 (SCSI) and Ultrium 920 (SAS) models.

Installing drivers

This section discusses the following:

Installing on Windows

The driver available from Microsoft update is acceptable, but the HP driver provides better supportfor all the features of your new tape drive. It is regularly updated and is available on the HPStorageWorks CD-ROM or on the HP Support web site at https://www.hpe.com/us/en/support.html .
NOTE: The HP driver is suitable for use in most applications, but refer also to the documentation ofthe software application to ensure using the recommended driver.

Installing on UNIX

The recommended backup applications use the operating system?s standard, built-in device drivers.To upgrade drivers we recommend to install the latest patch to the operating system orconfigure device files, as described in the UNIX Configuration Guide on the CD-ROM.

Installing on IA64

When installing on an IA64 system, such as an HP Integrity server, check www.hpe.com/storage/tapecompatibility for the latest information on the availability of backup applicationupgrades and drivers.


Upgrade backup software

It is important to check www.hpe.com/storage/tapecompatibility for software compatibility and install anyrecommended upgrades.

For optimum performance it is important to use a backup application that is appropriate for thesystem?s configuration. In a direct attach configuration, where the tape drive is attached to astandalone server, use backup software that is designed for a single server environment. Innetwork configurations a backup software is required that supports enterprise environments. HP,Veritas, Legato, Yosemite and Computer Associates all provide suitable products. Further detailsabout these and other products that may be appropriate can be found on our connectivity web site.

  1. Go to our connectivity web site at the following weblink: Click here to access the document title "HPE Data Availability, Protection and Retention Compatibility Matrix" and select tape backup.

  2. Select software compatibility.

  3. Select the combination of operating system and tape drive model in the table. A list ofsupported backup applications is displayed. This will also tell if the configuration iscompatible with HP One-Button Disaster Recovery, HP OBDR. (All HP StorageWorks DAT tapedrives support HP OBDR. However, this feature can be used only if the system configurationand backup application also support it.)

  4. Make sure the backup application supports HP StorageWorks DAT tape drives anddownload any upgrades or patches, if required.


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