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HP ProLiant MicroServer - How to Enable SATA RAID and Create Logical Disk

HP ProLiant MicroServer - How to Enable SATA RAID and Create Logical Disk


How to enable AMD SATA RAID feature and Create RAID Volume in a MicroServer?


Embedded SATA RAID feature:

AMD provides the Embedded SATA RAID feature, this feature enables RAID functionality (RAID 0 and RAID 1).

Configuring SATA RAID is a 2 stage process. First, change the operating mode of the embedded SATA controller to RAID in RBSU and second, use the AMD RAID Option ROM utility to configure the RAID logical disks.

Changing the embedded SATA controller mode in RBSU:

  1. Power On the HP ProLiant MicroServer, when prompted, hit the F10 key to enter the ROM-based setup utility (RBSU).

  2. Goto the Advanced tab and then choose IDE configuration hit Enter.


  3. Highlight the SATA Controller Mode selection and hit Enter.

  4. Choose RAID from the drop-down list.


  5. Hit F10 to save the settings and exit. The AMD RAID Option ROM is now enabled. The system will now reboot.

    Configuring Logical Disk:

  6. Press Ctrl+F during post when the RAID settings are displayed.

    NOTE: This prompt may be displayed for a very short period of time. If you miss it, reboot the server and be prepared to enter Ctrl+F.


  7. Select option 2 (LD View/LD Define) from the list. (LD means Logical Disk).


  8. Press Ctrl+C to create Logical Disk.


  9. Use the arrow keys to highlight the RAID Mode, if not already focused on it.

  10. Press the Space Bar to select RAID 1.

  11. Arrow down to the Assignment column and select the drives wished to assign to the logical disk. Press the Space Bar to toggle the N to Y to add a drive. Exactly two drives must be used to create a RAID 1 logical disk.

    NOTE: Best practice is to use drive bays 1 and 2 for the first RAID logical disk, and bays 3 and 4 for the second logical disk. Also, make sure that Fast Init is set to ON, or an extended amount of time will be required to create the Logical Disk.


  12. When finished assigning, press Ctrl+Y to save the settings.

  13. Now set a name for the logical disk. Press Ctrl+Y to assign a name such as Windows or any other key to leave the name blank.


  14. A warning message about erasing the drives will be presented. Press Ctrl+Y to continue with erasing the drives and creating the logical disk.


  15. The modify array capacity screen is presented. Press any key to keep the default (maximum size of the drive) or press Ctrl+Y to modify.


  16. The LD view screen is displayed, updated to show that a RAID logical disk has been created.


  17. If creating a second RAID logical disk, repeat steps 8 through 16. Press ESC if finished setting up RAID.

  18. Press ESC again to exit.

  19. Press Y to reboot the server.


    Now the RAID has been setup. We may install a supported operating system onto the server.

    Click here to access the technical article .

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