Integrate Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) with Modular Smart Array (MSA) to allow the LDAP users to login into MSA.
Integrate Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) with Modular Smart Array (MSA) to allow the LDAP users to login into MSA.
Login into MSA using the local user account and navigate to System – Action – System Settings as shown below:
Click on the System Settings and select Manage Users and then click on LDAP Users as shown below:
End-user would need to specify the LDAP server address and the Port no 636 which is a secure SSL.
Also need to get a User DN which should be the top level directory under which the user account is created and specify the User DN in User-search-base as shown below, an end-user can get the User DN from the user attributes or else can also use the Active Directory Service Interface (ADSI) tool to get the Distinguished Name (DN). End-user should also get the Group DN in which users has been added a member and specify that under User Group name as shown below:
Click on Apply and Close.
Logout from the MSA.
Login into MSA using the LDAP account in the following format:
Username: Domainname\Username
Password: Domainuserpassword