Setting the Date and Time


  1. From the System Utilities screen, select System Configuration > BIOS/Platform Configuration (RBSU) > Date and Time.
  2. Select a setting, and then complete your entry.
    • Date (mm-dd-yyyy)—Enter the date in a month-day-year (mm-dd-yyyy) format.

    • Time (hh:mm:ss) —Enter the time in a 24-hours format (hh:mm:ss) format.

    • Hour Format —Enter the hour in 12 and 24-hours format.

    • Time Format

      • Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)—Calculates the time stored in the hardware Real Time Clock (RTC) from the associated Time Zone setting.
      • Local Time—Removes the use of the Time Zone setting.

        This option is useful for addressing interaction issues between Windows operating systems set in Legacy BIOS boot mode.

    • Time Zone—Select your current time zone for the system.

    • Daylight Savings Time

      • Enabled—Adjusts the local time displayed by one hour for Daylight Savings Time.
      • Disabled—Does not adjust the local time displayed for Daylight Savings Time.
  3. Save your settings.

    The hour format option is only supported on ProLiant Gen10 Plus and Gen11 servers.