Launching Embedded Diagnostics

About this task

Use the Embedded Diagnostics option to launch the Hardware Diagnostics menu. From there, you can view health summary status, run system tests and component tests, and view test logs.


  1. From the System Utilities screen, select Embedded Applications > Embedded Diagnostics.

    The Hardware Diagnostics screen appears.

  2. Select an option.
    • System Health—Lists a Health Summary (status for BIOS hardware, fans, temperature, battery, memory, network, and storage), Fans (zone, label, status, and speed), Temperature (label, location, status, current reading, and cautions), Power Supplies (power supply summary and smart storage battery), Processors, Memory, NIC Information, Storage, and Firmware Information.

    • System Tests—Lists information and gives you options for checking hardware subsystems to ensure that they are working properly. The Quick Test option performs a 10-minute check of the hardware. The Extensive Test option performs a full check of the hardware and can take two or more hours to complete.

    • Component Tests—Lists information and gives you options for checking Processor, Memory, Hard Drive, Keyboard, Mouse, Network, Optical Drive, System Board, USB Port, and Video tests.

    • Test Logs—Displays test logs, which contain information about test type and results, including failures.

    • IML Log—Displays all IML log files, which include information about the severity, class, initial time, and update time.

    • Language—Selects your language for the Embedded Diagnostics.

    • Exit—Exits the Embedded Diagnostics menu and returns you to the System Utilities screen.