Configuring Intel PCIe Hot-Plug Error Control

About this task

Use the PCIe Hot-Plug Error Control option to select PCIe (NVMe) Hot-Plug support for the platform.


  1. From the System Utilities screen, select System Configuration > BIOS/Platform Configuration (RBSU) > PCIe Device Configuration > Advanced PCIe Configuration > PCIe Hot-Plug Error Control.
  2. Select a value:
    • Hot-Plug Surprise–- RBSU attempts to protect the platform from experiencing an error on a surprise removal event.
      Select this option for older Operating Systems that do not support Enhanced Downstream Port Containment (eDPC).
    • e-DPC Firmware Control–– The platform firmware and OS properly negotiate and log all hot-plug events. [This option is currently not supported by all Operating Systems.]
    • eDPC OS Control–- Hot-plug events are handled by the Operating System with no involvement by the platform. All logging of events in this mode is limited to the OS only.
      This option must be set properly based on the OS to ensure that hot-plug events and surprise removal events are handled properly by the platform.

      Consult OS documentation for additional details.

  3. Save your settings.