Adding a User

A user account must have been created through server software before being added to the management console.

To add a user and assign the user role, perform the following:
  1. Select Settings from the left navigation menu in the management console, and then select Management Console Users in the main page.

  2. Click add ().

  3. Enter the name for the user in the Name section.

    You can use alphanumeric characters and special characters, including periods, dashes, and underscores. The following characters are not permitted: " / \ [ ] : ; | = , + * ? < >. Using spaces for names is not recommended.

  4. Click the edit () in the Role section to set one of the following permissions to the user:
    • Read Only: You can only view all the resource types.

    • Operator: You can add, edit, and delete all resource types except users.

    • Administrator: You can manage all the resource types.

  5. Click OK and click Add in the Add User page.

More information

User Roles