Setting the run command as a threshold action using the management console

About this task

A threshold trigger can be set to automatically run a command or script when the volume or folder reaches the threshold limit. You can set the command trigger when creating or editing a directory quota template.

Review command scripts for supported command types and file extensions.


  1. From the Create or Edit Quota Template page, click + in the Thresholds section.

    The Add Threshold screen displays.

  2. Select Run Command under Trigger Actions.
  3. In the Run Command section, select the command script from the Command drop-down menu.
  4. Select one of the following Working Directory locations in which the command or script runs:
    • Current Directory: The directory in which the specified command script is located.

    • Quota Path: Indicates the path on which the directory quota is applied.

    • Custom Path: Indicates the user defined path.

  5. Select one of the following Command Security levels used while running the command. The security level specifies the computer account type under which the command or script runs.
    • Local Service

    • Network Service

    • Local System

  6. Click OK.