Installing HPE StoreEasy management console when older versions are uninstalled


  1. Download the latest version of HPE StoreEasy management console installer file by using any of the following process:
    1. Download the latest version of HPE StoreEasy management console installer file from HPE Support Center (Offline update).
    2. Download using the current HPE StoreEasy management console (Offline mode):
      1. Navigate to HPE StoreEasy management console > Settings > Management Console Updates > Update Settings.
      2. Click the caret-down (inverted trianbgle) icon to select Automatic download option.
      3. Select Download the latest package.
      4. Save .zip file on your desktop.
  2. Uninstall the existing version of the HPE StoreEasy management console from Control Panel:
    1. Navigate to Windows Control Panel > Uninstall a Program > HPE StoreEasy management console.
    2. Click Uninstall.
    3. Reboot the server to remove the old files and folders.
  3. Install the latest version of HPE StoreEasy management console using the downloaded installer file.