Installing HPE StoreEasy management console when older versions are uninstalled
- Download the latest version of HPE StoreEasy management console installer file by using any of the following process:
- Download the latest version of HPE StoreEasy management console installer file from HPE Support Center (Offline update).
- Download using the current HPE StoreEasy management console (Offline mode):
- Navigate to HPE StoreEasy management console > Settings > Management Console Updates > Update Settings.
- Click the caret-down (inverted trianbgle) icon to select Automatic download option.
- Select Download the latest package.
- Save .zip file on your desktop.
- Uninstall the existing version of the HPE StoreEasy management console from Control Panel:
- Navigate to Windows Control Panel > Uninstall a Program > HPE StoreEasy management console.
- Click Uninstall.
- Reboot the server to remove the old files and folders.
- Install the latest version of HPE StoreEasy management console using the downloaded installer file.