The file from step 3 above
Additional command-line switches
The parameters from step 4 above
Copy all directory files
Return Codes
For each code from step 5 above, add the value and set Response = Continue and Result = Success
NOTE: Select Yes if a warning appears about the file specified is not a valid RapidInstall or PC Transplant package.
b. Add a Power Control task with the following options:
Force applications to close without a message
Example information to create a job to install a Windows ProLiant Support Pack (PSP) or Service Pack for ProLiant (SPP) :
Download and extract the PSP/SPP files or hp\swpackages folder from SPP into a directory on the Deployment Server express share, for example ws6-x64-psp or ws6-x64-spp . If the PSP is a Delta bundle, then both PSP and the Delta bundle files will need to be combined in the same directory.
Create the Distribute Software task in the job with .\ws6-x64-psp\hpsum.exe in the Name field and -silent -force in the Additional command-line switches field. Add 1,2and 3 as return codes that are a success and the job should continue.
NOTE: Refer to HP Smart Update Manager (HPSUM) help/User guide for additional command line options, return values and logs.
Example information to create a job to install a Linux ProLiant Support Pack (LSP)or Service Pack for ProLiant (SPP):
When editing Linux files on the Deployment Server, use a text editor that saves the file in Linux compatible format without adding extra characters. For additional information, refer to Knowledge Base article (Article 20000058).
LSP/SPP components may require certain Linux packages to be installed prior to starting the LSP/SPP installation. If the required packages are not installed, a component may fail installation with a dependency error and the job fails with error code 10. Refer to the ProLiant Support Pack User Guide HPSUM Help for additional information.
For LSP 8.40 and greater, hpsum is used to install the components and will attempt all components found in the directory. This may result in a component installing on a server when the component is not needed. For example, fibre channel drivers are only supported for older updates of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 and 5 and SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 10. However, hpsum will attempt to install these on RHEL 4.8, RHEL 5.4, and SLES 10 SP3 which results in an error code 253 causing the job to fail. Other components will get installed on the target server. Alternatively, delete the following components from LSP which are known not to install on latest RedHat and SUSE updates and return error code 253:
For SPP, hpsum is used to install the components and will attempt all components found in the directory.
For example, SLES specific *kmp*.rpm files are only supported on specific releases. However, hpsum will attempt to install these on all SLES releases, which results in an error code 253 causing the job to fail.
For example, RHEL specific kmod*.rpm files are only supported on specific releases. However, hpsum will attempt to install these on all RHEL releases, which results in an error code 253 causing the job to fail.
Download and extract the LSP files or hp\swpackages folder from SPP into a directory on the Deployment Server express share, for example rhel5-x64-psp. If the LSP is a Delta bundle, then both LSP and the Delta bundle files will need to be combined in the same directory.
For custom SNMP configurations, create a text file in the directory, for example hpmgmt.conf. Refer to the HP ProLiant Support Pack User Guide or HPSUM helpfor the LSP scripted install support, file format and parameters.
NOTE: Refer to HP Smart Update Manager (HPSUM) help/User guide for additional command line options, return values and logs.
Create a script file, for example lspinstall.sh, in the directory that will be used as a wrapper script to call the LSP installer. This is necessary since the LSP installer does not work when called with an absolute path.
The script to call LSP 8.40 and greater should contain the following code:
pushd "$(dirname "$0")"
chmod +x *
./hpsum --silent --force --inputfile hpmgmt.conf
exit $rcThe script to call SPP should contain the following code:
pushd "$(dirname "$0")"
chmod +x *
./hpsum --silent --force rc=$?
exit $rcThe script to call SPP should contain the following code for RHEL 6:
pushd "$(dirname "$0")"
chmod +x *
rm -rf /rpmbuild
mkdir /rpmbuild
mkdir /root/rpmbuild
mount --bind /root/rpmbuild /rpmbuild
./hpsum --silent --force rc=$?
exit $rcThe script to call LSP 8.30 and earlier should contain the following code:
pushd "$(dirname "$0")"
chmod +x install???.sh
./install???.sh --silent --force --inputfile hpmgmt.conf rc=$?
exit $rcwhere hpmgmt.conf is the file created in step 2.
Create the Distribute Software task in the job with
.\rhel5-x64-psp\lspinstall.sh in the Name field.For LSP 8.40 and greater, add 1, 2, and 3 as return codes that are a success and the job should continue.
For LSP 8.30 and earlier, add 16 as a return code that is a success and the job should continue.
To install the HP Agents bundle for VMware ESX 3.x, the previous LSP steps may be used with the following modifications:
Run the ESX 3.x scripted install job without the Install Package task; otherwise, the agents installed by the default job will conflict with HP Agents bundle and result in an error 1 failure.
There is a default hpmgmt.conf file bundled with HP Agents that can be used as a sample to create this file.
The VMware ESX HP Agents installer is called installvmXXX.sh where XXX is the version number. The script to call the HP Agents installer should use installvm???.sh and the --force calling argument removed.
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