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CUSTOMER ADVISORY: HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 remote support contact information may be needed

CUSTOMER ADVISORY: HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 remote support contact information may be needed



Some HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 systems have been installed with remote support enabled, but incomplete or inaccurate customer contact information was provided. This can inhibit or delay HP’s ability to respond to an alert or support call from the storage system.


HP StoreServ 7x00 storage systems are affected by this advisory.


Before beginning an installation or an upgrade specific to the HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000, email the following information to the HP Support team at one of the following regional addresses. This will enable the HP 3PAR 7000 Service Processor to remotely report the health of the HP 3PAR 7000 status back to HP, as well as allow HP to deploy updates to the hardware and remotely resolve common issues with the HP 3PAR 7000 system.

  • Americas SWD-3PAR-GSS-HWINS@hp.com

  • All other countries SWD-3PAR-GSS-EMEA.APAC-INS@hp.com

The subject title of the email should state the following, “Request to validate connectivity and add StoreServ 7000 information.”

The body of the email should include the following:

  • Customer Technical Contact - Last Name - (Required)

  • Customer Technical Contact - First Name - (Required)

  • Customer Phone Number - (Required)

  • Customer Email Address for alert notification - (Required)

  • Fax Number - (Optional)

  • Company Name - (Required)

  • Hardware Installation Address - (Required)

    • Street Address

    • City

    • Postal Code

    • State

    • Country

  • Is the HP 3PAR 7000 support directly from HP, a partner or other? - (Required)

  • HP System Service Processor ID - (Required)

  • HP 3PAR 7000 System Serial Number - (Required)

Proactive Updates

Receive support alerts (such as Customer Advisories), driver updates, software, firmware, and customer replaceable components, in your e-mail through HP Subscriber's Choice. Sign up for Subscriber's Choice Driver, Patch, Security, and Support alerts at the following URL: http://www.hp.com/go/myadvisory  Non-HPE site

Hardware Platforms Affected: Not Applicable

Operating Systems Affected: Not Applicable

Software Affected: Not Applicable
Support Communication Cross Reference ID: IA03750375
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