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HPE ProLiant DL380 G4 Server - Microsoft Windows 2008 R2: Unable to Install HP Insight Management Agents/Event Notifier Service

HPE ProLiant DL380 G4 Server - Microsoft Windows 2008 R2: Unable to Install HP Insight Management Agents/Event Notifier Service


User is unable to install HP Insight Management Agents/Event Notifier service on HPE ProLiant DL380 G4 server running Windows 2008 R2 and getting the following errors:

The software is not supported for installation on this system.

The installation program couldn't find the appropriate system management controller driver which is requried but is not currently installed.



  • User is able to install the same utility on windows server 2003 without any dependency.

  • User has tried installing the latest version of HP Event Notifier service 9.0 for Windows 2008 R2 with same issue.

Error snapshot


  1. Download the HP ProLiant ILO Advanced controller driver for Windows Server 2008 x64 editions.

    Click here to download the HP ProLiant ILO Advanced controller driver .

  2. Right-click and select Properties for the downloaded file.

  3. Click the Compatibility tab.

  4. Under Compatibility Mode, check the box and select Windows Server 2008 (Service Pack 1).

  5. Install the driver.

    Driver installation snapshot

  6. Install the HP Insight Management Agents for Windows Server 2003/2008 x64 Editions version (4 Jun 2012).

    Click here to download the HP Insight Management Agents software .

    Insight Management Agents Installation Snapshot

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