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HPE BladeSystem Onboard Administrator - How to Make "SHOW ALL" Inventory Report

HPE BladeSystem Onboard Administrator - How to Make "SHOW ALL" Inventory Report


The HPE BladeSystem product is managed entirely by the HPE Onboard Administrator.

The HPE Onboard Administrator controls and manages the environmental health and power status for the entire HPE BladeSystem Enclosure.

This includes all the following components:

  • HPE BladeSystem enclosure

  • Power Supplies

  • HPE Onboard Administrators

  • Insight Display

  • Interconnect modules (Virtual Connect/Ethernet/SAN etc.)

  • HPE ProLiant or Integrity Blade servers

  • Mezzanine boards (as installed in the HPE ProLiant or Integrity Blade Servers)


The HPE Onboard Administrator (OA) can generate a full inventory, status and configuration report of all the above components; this is the so called SHOW ALL report. The details below outline how this HPE Onboard Administrator SHOW ALL report can be made.

This includes as well how this SHOW ALL report can be uploaded to a (possible open) HPE Support case and some additional features like OA supportdump and a new OA extended syslog feature.


The Onboard Administrator (OA) SHOW ALL report can be made in 3 different ways:

  1. HPE Onboard Administrator GUI

  2. HPE Onboard Administrator GUI (logon and change URL)

  3. HPE Onboard Administrator CLI (Command Line Interface)

  4. HPE Virtual Connect Support Utility (VCSU)

  1. How to make HPE Onboard Administrator SHOW ALL report via the OA GUI:

    1. Logon to the HPE Onboard Administrator GUI

      The IP-address can be found at the front of the enclosure Insight Display.

    2. Navigate on the menu at the left to:

      Enclosure Information, Enclosure Settings, Configuration Scripts

      Click on one of the following links (depending on your Onboard Administrator Firmware FW level):

      • SHOW ALL: Click to view a script containing a list of the enclosure's current inventory.

      • Click here to view a configuration script containing the current settings for this enclosure. (very old OA FW; not be confused with SHOW CONFIG).

      See as well the 2 screenshots highlighted far below.

  2. How to make HPE Onboard Administrator SHOW ALL report via OA GUI after logon:

    1. Logon to the HPE Onboard Administrator GUI

      The IP-address can be found at the front of the enclosure Insight Display.

    2. After the OA logon add behind the URL of OA IP: /cgi-bin/showAll

      A full URL might now be: https://192.168.x.x/cgi-bin/showAll

      (please give it a moment to make the SHOW ALL report)

  3. How to make HPE Onboard Administrator SHOW ALL report CLI:

    1. Logon to the HPE Onboard Command Line Interface (CLI) via telnet or SSH

      The IP-address can be found at the front of the enclosure Insight Display.

    2. Execute the command: SHOW ALL

    3. Capture all the output from the above executed CLI command.

  4. How to make HPE Onboard Administrator SHOW ALL report via VCSU:

    This is documented in the following externally available document:

    Click here to access "HPE BladeSystem Virtual Connect - How to Capture Healthreport, SHOW ALL, and SupportDump Files Using VCSU" .

How to upload this HPE Onboard Administrator SHOW ALL report to HPE support case:

  1. Make if needed as well a screenshot of the OA GUI if a possible issue is easily visible in the Onboard Administrator GUI.

  2. Prepare a e-mail and that to: HPEsupport_Global@hpe.com

  3. Start the subject with this exact syntax: <CASE:YOURCASEID> {any other text}

    The YOURCASEID field is the HPE GCSS caseID that could start with 46......

  4. Attach the HPE Onboard Administrator SHOW ALL report and the screenshot of the HPE Onboard Administrator GUI and submit the e-mail.

HPE Onboard Administrator supportdump:

On specific request of a HPE Support Agent users might be requested to retrieve the HPE Onboard Administrator supportdump file.

See this external document on how to generate this OA supportdump:

Click here to access "HPE BladeSystem c-Class Onboard Administrator - How to Generate a Onboard Administrator Supportdump or Debug File" .

HPE Onboard Administrator extended syslog:

On some occasions the default HPE Onboard Administrator log is rolled-over easily after a few days of operation. For that reason the HPE Onboard Administrator firmware version 3.21 and higher have a extended Onboard Administrator syslog feature. This extended syslog is only available in flash meaning a reboot or reset of the HPE Onboard Administrator will clear the entire extended syslog.

The HPE Onboard Administrator extended syslog can be made using OA CLI:

  • For OA 1: show syslog OA 1 history

  • For OA 2: show syslog OA 2 history


Screenshot of HPE onboard Administrator GUI Enclosure settings:

Figure 1: New Onboard Administrator firmware GUI screenshot :

Figure 2: Old Onboard Administrator firmware GUI screenshot:

NOTE: This document will be updated when new information becomes available.

keywords: showall, show-all, show all, OA, Firmware, OA FW, 1.11, 2.00, onboard administrator, C-class, enclosure, HPE Bladesystem, show, CLI, SHOW ALL, Show all command, logfile, logfiles, logfile c-class, logfiles c-class, ilo, ilo2, log-file, logs, log, system log, systemlog, configuration script, configurationscript, GUI, OA GUI, output, OAGUI, showallCclass, showallOA, showallOAGUI, show all, show-all, showall, create SHOW ALL, create SHOWALL,createshowall, make show all report, generate show all report, create OA SHOW ALL, make OA SHOW ALL, inventory, cgi-bin/showall, CLI, VCSU, HPE Onboard Administrator, Onboard Administrator, OA CLI, supportdump, OA supportdump, extended syslog, extendedsysog, oa extended syslog, onboard administrator extended syslog

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