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HPE SmartStart Software - Overview

HPE SmartStart Software - Overview

Product description

SmartStart optimizes single-server setup, providing a simple way to deploy reliable and consistent server configurations. SmartStart assists the server deployment process by preparing the system for installing "off-the-shelf" versions of leading operating system software. SmartStart is included in the ProLiant Essentials Foundation Pack, which also includes the Management CD. The Foundation Pack ships standard with ProLiant ML and DL 300, 500 and 700 Servers, and also supports all the ProLiant BL Servers


Key features

  • SmartStart provides an easy-to-use, intuitive graphical interface that guides the user through preparing user's system for the Operating System (OS) installation process.
  • SmartStart integrates key server software drivers and management agents through ProLiant Support Packs with every assisted installation.
  • SmartStart performs dependency and validity checks to ensure that all supported ProLiant software can be installed.


Product features

Integral part of the HP server experience
  • SmartStart is part of the ProLiant Essentials Foundation Pack, delivered standard with ProLiant ML and DL 300, 500 and 700 servers.

  • The ProLiant Essentials Foundation Pack provides convenient access to the suite of Intelligent Manageability products.

  • The Foundation Pack provides essential management tools designed to simplify IT management in a dynamic and demanding 7x24x365 environment.

Reliable configuration
  • By assisting with operating system installations, integrating server support software, and preventing configuration errors, SmartStart ensures consistency, and maximizes reliability and system uptime.

  • SmartStart leverages embedded system utilities that provide either customized configuration or intelligent defaults for server hardware and array controller configuration.

Optimized configuration
SmartStart integrates optimized ProLiant drivers with every assisted OS installation to achieve the maximum performance for use's ProLiant server.
Manageable-Ready system
SmartStart completes user's ProLiant server setup with installation of management agents, ready to be managed with HP Systems Insight Manager.


ProLiant support pack

The ProLiant Support Pack (PSP) is an integral component for optimizing and managing the ProLiant server. PSPs help the user to maintain the software versions on user's ProLiant servers. PSPs are operating system specific bundles of ProLiant optimized drivers, utilities, and management agents for Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Novell NetWare, and Linux. These bundles of software are tested and released concurrently with HP's SmartStart CD to insure proper installation and functionality. PSPs can be installed in a variety of ways:
  • Using SmartStart assisted installation process (PSPs are installed automatically)

  • Launching the installation from the Windows and Linux autoruns on the SmartStart CD

  • Using the deployment utilities that are provided with the PSPs when downloaded from HPE or the SmartStart CD.

For details view the HP ProLiant Support Pack and Deployment Utilities User Guide.


Server setup

SmartStart uses ROM-Based Setup Utilities (RBSU) to perform server and array hardware configuration.

For legacy, Non-RBSU server systems use SmartStart 5.5 to perform server deployment. SmartStart 5.5 is available for purchase.


Assisted OS installation

For RBSU systems

To optimize the performance of user's hardware platform, use the SmartStart assisted installation to help prepare users system for the operating system installation process. Using an assisted installation, SmartStart enables the user to install the operating system using the vendor-supplied CDs, and provides automated installation of server support software using ProLiant Support Packs (PSPs).
  1. Configure server and array controller hardware using RBSU: choose the intelligent defaults from RBSU or launch the array configuration utility by booting the SmartStart CD for more- in-depth configuration of the array controller.
  2. Boot the SmartStart CD to validate the hardware configuration and answer interview questions to prepare users server for OS installation.
  3. Insert the OS CD to complete the OS installation and automatic installation of the ProLiant Support Pack.

For Non-RBSU systems

Use SmartStart 5.5 to complete the server deployment and then apply the latest PSP from the SmartStart CD by launching the Windows or Linux Autorun. (See Software Updates below for more details.).

SmartStart 5.5 supports the following operating systems for an assisted installation: Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, Novell NetWare 4.2, 5.1 and 6.0. SmartStart 5.5 supports the following operating systems for a replicated installation: Microsoft Windows 2000 and Microsoft Windows NT 4.0. For server support for SmartStart 5.5, visit the Server Support Matrix available on the SmartStart webpage.


Manual OS installation

For RBSU Systems

Use RBSU to configure users server hardware before completing the OS installation. Create driver diskettes from the SmartStart CD autorun, to obtain the latest storage boot controller drivers, for use during users OS installation.
  1. Configure server and array controller hardware using RBSU: choose the intelligent defaults from RBSU or launch the array configuration utility by booting the SmartStart CD for more- in-depth configuration of the array controller.
  2. Boot the OS CD and follow the instructions to complete the OS installation. If applicable, provide the driver diskette to ensure the latest storage controller driver is installed during the OS installation.
  3. Apply the latest PSP obtained from the SmartStart CD by launching the Windows or Linux Autorun or by downloading the latest PSP from the following link.

For Non-RBSU systems

  1. Boot the SmartStart 5.5 CD to perform hardware configuration and preparation of system for OS installation. Select Assisted, Manual, or Replication installation for the type of installation need.
  2. Insert the OS CD to complete the OS installation.
  3. Apply the latest PSP from the latest SmartStart CD or ProLiant Software Maintenance CD by launching the Autorun either from a Windows or a Linux system or by downloading the latest PSP from the following link.


Software updates

Autorun Features

The Autorun feature of the SmartStart CD, ProLiant Software Maintenance and ProLiant Firmware Maintenance CDs are available for the Windows and Linux Environment. The Autoruns provide access to support software and other information about content on the CD.
  • To launch the autorun on a Windows system, either insert the CD in a CD-ROM drive and the Autorun will automatically launch, or launch by executing the "autorun" file from the root of the CD.
  • To launch the Autorun on a Linux system, insert the CD in a CD-ROM drive, log on to the root and mount the CD and run the setup.sh file.
Software updates
  • Obtain the latest PSPs and other ProLiant server software from the Software and Drivers download pages at the following link.

  • Or from the SmartStart CD available as a download from the SmartStart website.

Firmware updates

Updating user's firmware can be performed using the various offline (non-OS session) and online (while running in an OS session) methods:
  • ROM Update Utility: Provides customized options for updating selected system, option and hard drive firmware in offline mode. To perform firmware updates, access this utility by booting the ProLiant Firmware Maintenance CD.
  • ROMPaqs: Floppy-based method for performing firmware updates for selected ProLiant servers and options in an offline mode.
  • Online ROM Flash Components: Online method for Windows and Linux systems for performing firmware updates for selected ProLiant servers and options.

Obtain the latest ProLiant firmware from the following locations:

  • The ProLiant firmware maintenance CD is available as a downloadable image from the SmartStart Web site.
  • The Software and Drivers are available as a link from the SmartStart Web site.

  • The ROM-BIOS web pages.


Get proactive notification of upcoming software with subscriber's choice

Proactive delivery of Product Change Notifications (PCNs), Customer Advisories (CAs), and software driver alerts are delivered through Subscriber's Choice. We encourage the user to begin taking advantage of the feature-rich notifications delivered from HP's Subscriber's Choice at the following link.


Systems maintenance

Perform Server maintenance by booting the SmartStart CD and launching these utilities

  • Insight Diagnostics - performs tests on system components. Insight Diagnostics displays information about a server's hardware and software configuration. User can perform hardware and software tests on the following subsystems: Processor, Input devices, Communication ports and devices, Storage devices, Graphics, Memory, Multimedia devices, and now the remote management processor (iLO, RILOE II).

  • Array Configuration Utility (ACU) - enables the user to configure newly added array controllers and associated storage devices. It is a web-based tool that has a configuration wizard that allows the user to configure the array controller, add additional disk drives to an existing configuration or reconfigure user's existing disk drive array.

  • Array Diagnostics Utility (ADU) - performs device tests on HP array controller hardware

  • Erase Utility - provides options to clean different areas of the system: attached drives, non-attached drives, BIOS, and non-volatile RAM (NVRAM)

Perform server maintenance through ROM based embedded utilities

  • The ROM-Based Setup Utility (RBSU) performs a wide variety of server configuration activities: viewing system information, selecting the operating system (OS) to prepare the system for installation of the OS, configuring system devices and installed options and selecting the primary boot controller. RBSU is accessible by pressing F9 key after the system has booted.
  • The Option-ROM Configuration for Arrays utility (ORCA) is a utility that allows user to configure HP array controllers. ORCA is accessible by pressing F8 key after the system has booted. It allows the user to create and delete logical drives, set interrupts, and set boot controller order.
  • The enhanced auto-configuration process will automatically configure the system for a default OS and RAID selection without the user having to launch RBSU and ORCA. The OS default is Windows 2000/Windows Server2003. The RAID defaults are based on the following number of drives: 1 drive - RAID 0, 2 drives - RAID 1, 3-6 drives- RAID 5. The user always has the option of configuring the server through RBSU and ORCA.
  • Dynamic Setup Support enables the Operating System to automatically find necessary boot drivers on the Virtual Install Disk, to complete the OS installation without user intervention. This feature is only supported for Windows Server 2003.
  • Selected set of system Diagnostics and Inspect utilities is available by pressing F10 key after the system has booted.F10 launches the System Maintenance Utilities.


Software overview

OS Support
The following released OS are supported by SmartStart for an assisted installation and for ProLiant Support packs
  • Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 and 2000 SBS
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Standard, Enterprise and Small Business Edition
  • Novell NetWare 5.1 and 5.1 SBS
  • Novell NetWare 6.0 and 6.0 SBS
  • Novell NetWare 6.5
  • Red Hat Professional 8.0, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 and 3, SuSE Linux Enterprise 7 and 8 and 9, United Linux 1.0(for ProLiant Support Packs only)


©Copyright 2025 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. The information provided is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. To the extent permitted by law, neither HPE nor its affiliates, subcontractors or suppliers will be liable for incidental, special or consequential damages including downtime cost; lost profits; damages relating to the procurement of substitute products or services; or damages for loss of data, or software restoration. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development and the names of Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development products referenced herein are trademarks of Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development in the United States and other countries. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.
  • HPE SmartStart Software - Overview
    • Product description
    • Key features
    • Product features
    • ProLiant support pack
    • Server setup
    • Assisted OS installation
    • Manual OS installation
    • Software updates
    • Get proactive notification of upcoming software with subscriber's choice
    • Systems maintenance
    • Software overview
    • Link to driver, firmware, software and manuals
    • Link to warranty information
Legal Disclaimer: Products sold prior to the November 1, 2015 separation of Hewlett-Packard Company into Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company and HP Inc. may have older product names and model numbers that differ from current models.
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