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HPE MSA 2050 SAN Storage - Powering ON/OFF

HPE MSA 2050 SAN Storage - Powering ON/OFF

Powering ON/OFF

Before powering on the enclosure for the first time:

  • Install all disk drives in the enclosure so the controller can identify and configure them at power-up.

  • Connect the cables and power cords to the enclosures as explained in the quick start instructions.

  • The MSA 2050 controller enclosures and drive enclosures equipped with AC power supplies do not have power switches (they are switchless). They power on when connected to a power source, and they power off when disconnected.
  • MSA 2050 controller enclosures and drive enclosures equipped with DC power supplies feature power switches.

When powering up, make sure to power up the enclosures and associated host in the following order:

  • Drive enclosures first

    This ensures that disks in each drive enclosure have enough time to completely spin up before being scanned by the controller modules within the controller enclosure. While enclosures power up, their LEDs blink. After the LEDs stop blinking - if no LEDs on the front and back of the enclosure are amber the power-on sequence is complete, and no faults have been detected.

  • Controller enclosure next Depending upon the number and type of disks in the system, it may take several minutes for the system to become ready.

  • Hosts last (if powered down for maintenance purposes)

Power cycling procedures vary according to the type of power supply unit included with the enclosure. For controller and drive enclosures configured with the switch less AC power supplies, refer to the procedure described under AC power supply below.


AC power supply

Enclosures equipped with switchless power supplies rely on the power cord for power cycling. Connecting the cord from the power supply power cord connector to the appropriate power source facilitates power on, where as disconnecting the cord from the power source facilitates power off.

AC power cycle

To power on the system:

  1. Obtain a suitable AC power cord for each AC power supply that will connect to a power source.

  2. Plug the power cord into the power cord connector on the back of the drive enclosure. Plug the rend of the power cord into the rack power source. Wait several seconds to allow the disks to spin up. Repeat this sequence for each power supply within each drive enclosure.

  3. Plug the power cord into the power cord connector on the back of the controller enclosure. Plug the other end of the power cord into the rack power source. Repeat the sequence for the controller enclosure’s other switch less power supply.

To power off the system:

  1. Stop all I/O from hosts to the system

  2. Shut down both controllers using either method described below:

    • Use the SMU to shut down both controllers

    • Use the CLI to shut down both controllers

  3. Disconnect the power cord female plug from the power cord connector on the power supply module. Perform this step for each power supply module (controller enclosure first, followed by drive enclosures).

    NOTE: Power cycling for enclosures equipped with a power switch is described below.


DC power supply

Connect power cable to DC power supply

Locate two DC power cables that are compatible with controller enclosure.

  1. Verify that the enclosure power switches are in the Off position.

  2. Connect a DC power cable to each DC power supply using the D-shell connector. Use the UP > arrow on the connector shell to ensure proper positioning (see view of D-shell

  3. Tighten the screws at the top and bottom of the shell, applying a torque between 1.7 N-m (15in-lb) and 2.3 N-m (20 in-lb), to securely attach the cable to the DC power supply module.

  4. To complete the DC connection, secure the other end of each cable wire component of the DC power cable to the target DC power source.

  5. Check the three individual DC cable wire labels before connecting each cable wire lug to its power source. One cable wire is labelled ground (GND) and the other two wires are labeled positive (+L) and negative (-L), respectively (shown in Figure above).

CAUTION: Connecting to a DC power source outside the designated -48V DC nominal range (-36 V DC to -72 V DC) may damage the enclosure.

DC power cycle

To power on the system:

  1. Power up drive enclosure(s). Press the power switches at the back of each drive enclosure to the On position. Allow several seconds for the disks to spin up.

  2. Power up the controller enclosure next. Press the power switches at the back of the controller enclosure to the On position. Allow several seconds for the disks to spin up.

    To power off the system:

    1. Stop all I/O from hosts to the system.

    2. Shut down both controllers using either method described below:

      • Use the SMU to shut down both controllers. Proceed to step 3.

      • Use the CLI to shut down both controllers.

  3. Press the power switches at the back of the controller enclosure to the Off position.

  4. Press the power switches at the back of each drive enclosure to the Off position.


Restarting or shutting down controllers

Each controller module contains a Management Controller processor and a Storage Controller processor. When necessary, User can restart or shut down these processors for one controller or both controllers.


Restarting controllers

Perform a restart when the SMU informs user that user has changed a configuration setting that requires a restart or when the controller is not working properly.

When user restart a Management Controller, communication with it is lost until it successfully restarts. If the restart fails, the Management Controller in the partner controller module remains active with full ownership of operations and configuration information.

When user restart a Storage Controller, it attempts to shut down with a proper failover sequence. This sequence includes stopping all I/O operations and flushing the write cache to disk. At the end, the controller restarts. Restarting a Storage Controller restarts the corresponding Management Controller.

CAUTION: If user restart both controller modules, all users will lose access to the system and its data until the restart is complete.
NOTE: When a Storage Controller is restarted, current performance statistics that it recorded are reset to zero, but historical performance statistics are not affected. In a dual-controller system, disk statistics may be reduced but are not reset to zero, because disk statistics are shared between the two controllers.

To perform a restart

  1. Perform one of the following:

    • In the banner, click the system panel and select Restart System.

    • In the System topic, select Action > Restart System.

      The Controller Restart and Shut Down panel opens.

  2. Select the Restart operation

  3. Select the controller type to restart: Management or Storage.

  4. Select the controller module to restart: Controller A, Controller B, or both.

  5. Click OK. A confirmation panel appears.

  6. Click OK to continue. Otherwise, click Cancel. If user clicked OK, a message describes restart activity


Shutting down controllers

Perform a shut down before user remove a controller module from an enclosure, or before user power off its enclosure for maintenance, repair, or a move. Shutting down the Storage Controller in a controller module ensures that a proper failover sequence is used, which includes stopping all I/O operations and writing any data in write cache to disk. If user shut down the Storage Controller in both controller modules, hosts cannot access system data and the SMU will be unavailable.

CAUTION: User can continue to use the CLI when either or both Storage Controllers are shut down, but some information might not be available.

To perform a shut down:

  1. . Perform one of the following:

    • In the banner, click the system panel and select Restart System.

    • In the System topic, select Action > Restart System.

      The Controller Restart and Shut Down panel opens.

  2. Select the Shut Down operation, which automatically selects the Storage controller type.

  3. Select the controller module to shut down: Controller A, Controller B, or both

  4. Click OK. A confirmation panel appears.

  5. Click OK to continue. Otherwise, click Cancel. If user clicked OK, a message describes shutdown activity.


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  • HPE MSA 2050 SAN Storage - Powering ON/OFF
    • Powering ON/OFF
    • AC power supply
    • DC power supply
    • Restarting or shutting down controllers
    • Restarting controllers
    • Shutting down controllers
    • Link to product related documents
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